Categories: Life

You Don’t Know How Badly You Need This Survey on How Indian Women Masturbate

By Sadie Gonslaves

Image courtesy Agents of Ishq

Our favourite Agents of Ishq has gone bravely where no man has ever gone before (or can even really go). They asked 100 Indian women about different aspects of masturbation, and the answers they got were damn good fun as always. But it wasn’t all just funsies.

Besides listing out some pretty unusual (or maybe not so unusual, now that we’re talking about it) self-pleasure experiences, their survey also threw up data we feel you’d be hard-pressed to find any where else. Their Female Masturbation Survey reveals, for example, how frequently women masturbate, how much time it takes them, what percentage of women masturbate to erotic writing and literature and what percent to porn, and how many women use vegetables vs toothbrush vs vibrator. There’s just loads packed into the piece: from data on experiences, preferences and implements, to the recounting of stories and memories both individual and collective (yes).

It’s one of those things you just didn’t realise you needed to know until you knew it, and it hits all the right spots (sorry) because it’s interesting, super fun and uniquely informative, on a topic that we just don’t know enough about. Plus it’s always worthy in itself to articulate and collate information about women’s lives because they’re so rarely (or badly) spoken out most of the time. By the way, don’t miss the hilarious bits on the stupid things women hear about masturbation, with a guest appearance by – you guessed it (okay no you probably didn’t) – Karan Johar.

ladiesfinger :