Categories: CultureTV

Arnab and Meenakshi: The Soap

By Deepika Sarma

You’ve always known there was something more to the relationship between Arnab Goswami and Meenakshi Lekhi. You can say it, don’t be shy.

There’s the shouting match between them (although no one raised their voice). The threats, the moments of truce. The promises of never, ever, only to be discarded the next night on primetime against better judgement.

It’s a bristling chemistry that can’t be contained by TV screens and bright blue studios. Inspired by the endless possibilities between Arnab (Alekh Sangal) and his Ms. Lekhi (Aditi Mittal), online TV show Jay Hind brings you ‘The Arnab Goswami-Meenakshi Lekhi Reality Show’. Prepare to be thrilled by their Ms. Lekhi, who gets the superfluous hand gestures, the hairdo and the vacant gaze hilariously right.

Here’s the pilot. Enjoy.

Deepika Sarma :