Categories: Culture

Hurrah! Two Indian Women Have Started a Series of Feminist Comic Strips

By Sharanya Gopinathan

Image courtesy Custom Cuts Tumblr page

Pia Alize Hazarika, an illustrator, and Malathi Jogi, a writer, have come together to create an amazing new series on  Tumblr called Custom Cuts. The comics put to rest stupid misconceptions people have about feminism, and is a great nod to all the feelings feminists have every day, like when they’re told that someone is not a feminist because they’re a humanist. All Lives Matter, no?

The comics are both funny and informative: some deal with the hackneyed comments feminists are sick to death of hearing, while other explain concepts like Kimberly Crenshawe’s coinage intersectionality. My favourite thus far is this one, which wonders what the fuck a good feminist is.

Image courtesy custom cuts Tumblr page

Besides being a fun learning tool for people who aren’t fully in the know, the strips provide general hahas and good feelings to feminists who are sick of being called humourless.  Check out the rest of the delightful series here.

Sharanya Gopinathan :