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Men Often Wonder, Why are Women Around Us So Angry? This Hilarious Video Tells Why

By Shikha Sreenivas

Photo courtesy: YouTube

This video ‘Manitary Pads’ made by Brainfart Productions is a hilarious parody of the several daily forms of gender discrimination women deal with — from mansplaining to stereotyping. It’s a sanitary pad “designed by men, produced by men, tested by men … for women”.  

Why are women so angry all the time, the men in the video ask. “Is it the lack of equal rights? Is it the wage gap? Is it because we are indifferent to women’s problems? Is it because we treat women like shit? NO! It is obviously because they are on their periods!” Well, haven’t we heard that before (just as the person proceeds to mumble “feminazi” under their breath).

What’s so brilliant about this video is it’s written, directed and filmed by men, but there isn’t a subtle “not all men” condition anywhere. It’s easy enough to say “not all men” because you in particular have not sexually assaulted a woman, but discrimination works in many more everyday ways that that. Fighting an oppressive system begins with acknowledging our complacency in furthering it (this includes those who are oppressed, as well).

So check out this hilarious video, since “it’s about time [men] tell us how to deal with periods”!

ladiesfinger :