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US Rep. Maxine Waters Has Provided Us All With the New Go-To Response For When Men are Wasting Your Damn Time

By Sharanya Gopinathan

Maxine Waters. Photo courtesy Maxine Waters Facebook page

Here’s your new go-to response when men are wasting your time.

The US Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin was testifying before the House Financial Services Committee on the 27th of July. Representative Maxine Waters was the first to question him, and she cut right to the chase, asking him if he received a letter sent to him by herself and other House Democrats, and asks him why they have not yet received a response to it. The letter requested the Treasury Department to reveal Donald Trump’s financial ties to Russia.

Mnuchin attempts to side-step or dally by beginning a long spiel about how great Rep. Waters, and how grateful the people of California are for her. And Waters isn’t having it for a minute. She looks him in the eye and says, “reclaiming my time” before informing him that he doesn’t have to tell her how great she is, and to please just answer the question.

He interrupts to say that he was planning to answer the question, when she says “reclaiming my time” again to tell him to just get straight to answering. Mnuchin stammers again that he plans to answer it and says something about rules indicating that she shouldn’t interrupt, when Waters rallies again with “reclaiming my time”, letting it be known that it is her allotted time the Mnuchin is wasting. She then asks the House Speaker to educate Mnuchin about the rules of the House, but not to cut that out of her time.

Jezebel suggests that the next time a man tries to mansplain something, we should all just follow the Maxine Waters method. It’s just so satisfying, and you can watch the exchange here:

Sharanya Gopinathan :