Categories: Kranti

What can you do with two fingers?

A bunch of things. But really, you can’t figure whether anyone has been raped or not.

So why does it still have legitimacy? Sure, there’s been some recent censuring of the two-finger test but doctors in major hospitals in big cities like Mumbai and Delhi continue to use it as if it makes any forensic or scientific sense. As our writers found out medical students in India, doctors-in-waiting, still know horrifyingly little about how to examine a rape survivor even though there are excellent resources like the CEHAT manual and most of them think that the two-finger test is as full of science as the Mangalyaan mission. (Read our full report here).

Some folks in Bangalore decided to air their feelings about the two-finger test through these videos.

So did Mumbai-based filmmaker and artist Afrah Shafiq.

Make your own, upload, share and get the word out there that the two-finger test is totally bogus.






ladiesfinger :