Trishala Dutt, long lost daughter of Sanjay Dutt and Richa Sharma, has made a rather sizable dent on the world of Bollywood reportage. Dutt, a resident of New York city, is making headlines for no apparent reason other than existing and leading a somewhat self-willed online life.
Unsurprisingly, the media has found the most reactionary way to tell her story: Trishala parties in the USA while her horribly wronged father Sanjay is stuck in jail. Horribly wronged Sanjay Dutt, 53, years old and still Sanju baba about whose lack of ghar ka khana and air-conditioning we have to read about until our eyes bleed. Trishala, 24, somehow is expected to be a martyred adult though.
Meet this quite priceless Bhaskar headline: ‘Carefree’ Trishala parties while father Sanjay Dutt languishes in jail. There is a more muted version of this headline on NDTV: As Sanjay Dutt goes to jail, silence from daughter Trishala. Other articles contain glaring euphemisms for Trishala’s lifestyle: “daring” and “fashion-conscious”.
Why is it Trishala’s responsibility to come to India to save her father? Trishala has an emphatic blogpost about this, titled + Positive In + Positive Out +:
I’m just sick of people making stupid assumptions as to why I wasn’t there in India by his side during the time of judgment, why I’m silent, why am I posting pictures on Instagram acting all happy and all that other bullSh*t. I’m SICK of half of you asking me why haven’t I come to India yet.
Her Instagram, treated as evidence of a hellish party-life by the Indian media reveals quite the opposite. Like most Instragram feeds, Trishala’s is comparable to All Other Instagram Feeds. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just to recap, the most important thing we’ve learnt from stalking Trishala online for 20 mins is that she is very excited to start a new line of hair extensions called DreamTresses. “I am launching my own Clip-In 100% Human Hair Extension Line!!!!”
We scratched our heads for a bit but we still don’t know what a “Clip-In 100% Human Hair Extension” is. Any guesses?
July 23, 2013 at 4:38 pm
Sooper Vanthi madam, why the hell Trishala should care about a absentee dad who deserted her mother years ago when she was dying of a terminal disease…