Categories: Culture

Hilarious Responses to AIB’s New Video Reveal What We’ve Always Suspected about Indian Men

By Sharanya Gopinathan

Still from All India Bakchod video via Youtube

Oh my god, I can barely contain the glee. This story is the highlight of my month, and the month’s only barely begun.

Two days ago, All India Bakchod released a video titled ‘A Woman’s Besties 2’. We got to meet Priya and her besties Vagayenti, Clitika, and twins Geeta-Boobita once again, and this time, they were talking about having sex for the first time, or misplacing your virginity.

Anyway, the video is what it is, but the joy (as always) is in the comments. I would have killed to be in the AIB office the moment they realised that men watching the video were feeling stumped by the identity of Clitika:

Oh my god, this is the answer to everything people ask in newspapers. Do Indian women reach orgasm? Want five reasons why Indian women find it difficult to reach orgasm?  Why do many Indian women fail to enjoy sex?  Why are Indian women’s orgasms so elusive? We now have a blanket answer to all questions. Presented without comment.

On a more serious note, it tells you something really depressing about the way we understand and have sex: as this woman pointed out in her rant against all the bad sex she was having, most women need direct stimulation of the clitoris to reach orgasm, and it’s a huge problem if men don’t even know what, let alone where, it is.

ladiesfinger :