Categories: Life

These Swingin’ Boobies Sing about Breast Cancer While Giving Instagram the Finger

By Sharanya Gopinathan

Still from Everybody Loves Boobs via Youtube

So you know how Instagram and Facebook have a ban on showing female nipples on their websites, but have no problem showing male nipples (which are exactly the same for all aesthetic purposes, and just take on different meanings due to how society views, objectifies and sexualises different bodies)? Different projects have attempted to take on that ban in different ways, from the celebrity favourite #FreeTheNipple, to this project called Genderless Nipples, that posts close-up pictures of nipples to illustrate how there’s no real difference between the two.

Last year, an Argentinian ad agency named David released a clever PSA on breast cancer awareness that simultaneously sidestepped and brought light to this sexist ban. The PSA walked you through the steps of a breast self-examination, but used male bodies and breasts instead of female. This led everyone to remember it as “the manboobs ad”, but let’s not.

Anyway, now the agency is back again with another PSA called Everybody Loves Boobs that skirts the female-nipple ban, this time by replacing nipples with moving lips. The singing boobs tell you lots of things about breast cancer, such as that one in eight people have to undergo surgery for breast cancer, and that men can suffer from breast cancer as well.

It is a self-evident truth that every Friday should begin with videos of informative singing breasts, so here you go:

Sharanya Gopinathan :