Categories: Culture

This Video Convinced Us that Hamster Beauty is the Only Beauty Worth Tracking

By Deepika Sarma

You know those How-beauty-standards-changed-in-the-21st-Century and Women’s-hairstyles-in-the-21st-century type videos that have been floating about endlessly? Ones like this?

They started off fun at first, but then we got more and more. And then they exploded. Russian beauty through the ages. Iranian beauty through the ages. Makeup through the ages. Body types through the ages. Lingerie through the ages. Hell, even men’s beauty ideals through the ages. Cut Video was doing it, BuzzFeed was doing it, Mode was doing it, and then we lost track.

I mean, looking at videos of beautiful people wearing makeup is fun and all (who doesn’t want to the chance to see a V&A exhibition squashed into a 60-second video?). But there’s only so many times you can do it, ya know?

Or so we thought. Until we met our new BFF – Joy the adorable hamster and carrot-lover, who should receive an award for service to humanity. So go on. Take a look at 100 years of glorious hamster beauty, courtesy Mashable’s The Watercooler:

Deepika Sarma :