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Sara Kelly Keenan is the First Person in the US to be Issued an ‘Intersex’ Birth Certificate

Photo by Organisation Intersex International Australia via Wikimedia

USA has issued the country’s first birth certificate that reads ‘intersex’ as a gender — New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has finally corrected the original birth certificate of 55-year-old Sara Kelly Keenan to ‘intersex’.

‘Intersex’ is a general term for a range of conditions in which a person is born with an anatomy that doesn’t align with typical definitions of male or female. Sara (who uses female pronouns) posted a picture on Facebook with a shirt that reads “intersexxy and perfect”.  

Sara had been adopted when she six months old. And when she did not go through puberty and develop a masculine body, her parents sought medical advice. “I was diagnosed as intersex,” she said, “which means I am genetically male with female genitalia and mixed reproductive anatomy.”

She was then told that she is “100% a girl” and that she just couldn’t produce hormones. After so many years, she found the city’s correction of her birth certificate “really validating”.

Photo courtesy: Sara Kelly Keenan/Facebook

This is a welcome milestone in progressing past a gender binary that leaves many feeling confused and out-of-place for their entire lives.

Feel like you don’t fit in the box?


Photo courtesy: GenderQueer via tumblr
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