Categories: Ask Iron Maiden

The Iron Maiden talks orgasms, friendzones and literary condoms

Q: Wanna-come

I don’t have orgasms when I have sex with my boyfriend. Should I talk to him about it? How? Or should I just keep faking it and avoid the conversation and hurting his feelings?

A: Dear Wanna-come,

I’m sure you know by now that if you keep faking it, you’ll eventually leave him. So first stop faking it. If he notices and asks, you’ve already got your opening. Equating female orgasm with male prowess is so last century, you can’t possibly be worrying your head about it. When you talk to him, remember that getting your orgasm is a shared enterprise. Get pro-active, put across your needs, take responsibility for your own pleasure and invite him to share the adventure


How does the morning-after pill work, in what circumstances do you take it, what long/short term health risks are associated with it? (Do you have to be above 18 to buy it?)

A: Dear That-Kind-Of-Tablet,

Your guess is as good as Google’s. But what Google wont tell you and I will, is that if you are below 18 you shouldn’t be having sex, if you are having sex you should always use a condom and if the condom tears, you’ll need a morning-after pill. This is the only known use of the morning after pill. It is not a routine contraceptive that you can take every time you have unsafe sex (which should be NEVER).

Besides, there are enough fun things to be done in bed, without reaching anywhere near the point of pregnancy or STDs. Take the challenge and master some of them.

Q: Hate Friend-Zone

Every time I’m interested in a guy, he ends up seeing me as his “best friend” instead. How do I get him to see me in a more romantic light?

A: Dear Hate Friend-Zone,

If it happens to you ‘every time’, you’re obviously doing something wrong. The next time you like a guy, don’t befriend him as a matter of course. Let him work for it. Its this work (also known as courting, romancing, dating) that you’re missing. Contrary to popular romantic notions, physical intimacy is not the key difference between a partner and a best friend. The real difference is the work. Good luck.

Q: Phus pataki

Every time I kiss my girlfriend, she doesn’t kiss me back. It just ends with me trying to slobber all over her face. Am I doing something wrong? Or our relationship doesn’t have the spark? When I stop and ask her, she insists everything is fine and she is having fun and I must continue. We have the dullest make-out sessions in the world. I’d rather be kissing a statue.J

A: Dear Phus pataki

If she doesn’t kiss you back AND says she’s having fun, get a new girlfriend already. Although before you do that you may want to consider the possibility that like Wanna-come above she isn’t actually having any fun and is merely being old-fashioned about it. In that case get pro-active etc…

Q: Condom of solace

Should sex scenes in books have condoms?

A: Dear Condom of solace

Yes. They should also have sex scenes which don’t need condoms, because its not that kind of sex, and then That-kind-of-tablet above should read them.

Got a question about love, sex, relationships or your mother for The Iron Maiden? Write to fingerzine@gmail.com

ladiesfinger :